Abyssinian Breeder
At The 2015 Shows
This page
features Abys and Somalis who are doing well at shows this year —
click on any icon to see the corresponding full-page photo and note that the
most recent wins are at the top, with earlier wins below them.
For the 2013 page,
and for the 2014 page,
In Melbourne:-
CVI put on its 2-ring Christmas show on 6 December. Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny Aby female, Merindalee Krakatoa (Zahari Ben Nevis (Imp NZ) X Cenglow Magic Miss), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 18) in one ring, and 3rd in the other ring. She appears below left, with Eileen and visiting judge Margaret Sim. Lee Clark's Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch & Gold Gr Pr Cenglow The Real Deal (Gr Ch Merindalee Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 7), in both rings. He is shown below right with Lee.
In Brisbane:-
Abys did extra well at the Ancats Christmas show on 29 November. Michael & Sue Shawn's Blue male, Osiris(V) Blue Spot (Ch Osiris(V) Ralph Lauren X Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink), was best SH Kitten (out of 22), and Best All-Breed Exhibit (out of 65) in two rings. Their Tawny female, Osiris(V) Princess Zia (Osiris(V) Ralph Lauren x Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)) repeated the feat in another ring, as did their other Tawny female, Osiris(V) Perfect Rose (Ch Osiris(V) Ralph Lauren X Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink), in a 4th ring. All the kittens appear in the photo below, or so I have been told,
In Melbourne:-
At the 2-ring CVI show on 8 November, one Aby/Somali did particularly well. It was Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny Aby female, Merindalee To Be Sure (Zahari Ben Nevis (Imp NZ) X Ch Merindalee Emily Bronte), who was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 12). In ring, and went on to be Supreme Exhibit (out of 62), in the ring. She is shown below with judge Val Harney.
In Adelaide:-
At the single-ring Crazy Capers show on 1 November, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali Dbl Gr Ch male, Dbl Gr Ch Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone) was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 18), and is shown below with judge Michele Ristuccia.
In Brisbane:-
At the CVI 4-ring show on 25 October, Christine Mangin's Tawny female Abysrok Lollapalooza (Abysrok Pagliacci X Jodaerin Wild Honey), was best SH Kitten (out of 23, and 3rd in another ring) in one ring, and 3rd in another ring. She appears below.
In Adelaide:-
He's still There! Lori Fergusson's evergreen Tawny Somali Neuter, CCCA Dbl Gr Ch, ACF AoE, Supreme Dbl Gr Pr & Jade Dbl Gr Ch Vivace El Tigre De Oro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Vivace Virtuoso X Ikati Big Spender), did well at the British Breed Cat Club show, coming Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 18) in one of the two rings; not bad for a cat due to turn 8 next month! See him below
At Nambucca Heads, NSW:-
The 3-ring North Coast All-Breeds show was held in Nambucca Heads on 24 October, and attended by Tracey Jack, whose Tawny female, Nile Panope (Ch Highgaitpaws American Edition (Imp USA) X Abytawe Shirley Bassey) was best Gr 3 Fem Kitten (out of 4) in all three rings, and Best overall Gr 3 Kitten (out of 12) in one of thee rings. She is shown below left. Tracey's Blue female, Johari Rhythm N Blues (Tijah Rush In Blue X Johari Nijeri) was Best Gr 3 Fem Cat (out of 8) in one ring and R/U in the other two rings. She is shown below right.
In Brisbane:-
The 3-ring Flash Felines show, held on 3 October, ended this quartet of .proximate shows on an unusually happy note. Michael & Sue Shawn's Blue male, Osiris(V) Blue Spot (Ch Osiris(V) Ralph Lauren X Gr Ch Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink), was best SH Kitten (out of 42) in one ring, and went on to be Best SH Exhibit (out of 74) in the ring. You can see him in the photo below (Yes you can - just look harder!) The Shawns Tawny male Ch Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was inevitably Best SH Cat (out of 27) in one ring, and appears in a couple of shows just below.
In Brisbane:-
At the 3-ring Exotic Cat Club show held on 27 September, Michael & Sue Shawn's Ch Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was once again Best SH Cat (out of 24) in one ring, and is again shown below.
In Brisbane:-
The 4-ring Tonkinese Cat Club show was held the following day, on 20 September. At it, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female, Osiris(V) Coco Mademoiselle (Highgaitpaws American Edition X ACFA AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Elizabeth Arden), was Best SH Kitten (out of 39) in one ring, and Supreme Kitten Exhibit (out of 58) in the ring. She is shown below.
In Brisbane:-
At the 3-ring BSH & Associated Breeds show held on 19 September, Michael & Sue Shawn's Ch Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 17) in one ring, and is shown below.
In Melbourne:-
The Royal Melbourne Show was a 5-ring affair this year, held on 28-29 September. Among the kittens Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee To Be Sure (Zahari Ben Nevis (Imp NZ) X Ch Merindalee Emily Bronte), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 12). In one of them she went on to be Best Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 35), and in the other ring she was Supreme Shorthair (out of 40) She appears below left with, from the left, judges Margaret Steed, Kerry Fowler, David Scadden (NZ), and Eileen.
Dale Plummer's Tawny Somali male, Brz Gr Ch & (US) Gr Ch Gunsmoke's Woodford Reserve (Imp USA) (Gunsmoke's Booker Noe X Arbora's Prairie Violet of Gunsmoke) was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 15) in two rings and R/U in a third ring; he is shown below right. Among the desexed cats, Kaylie Goodrick's Tawny Neuter, Narleekatz Bazinga (Johari Zambezi X Osiris(V) Sweet Influence), was Best Desexed Cat (out of 8) in two rings and R/U in another, while her Cinnamon Spay, CCCA Gr Ch, ACF Sil AoE, CCCA Nat Show Ch, Gold Ch & Sil PN Narleekatz Roxy (Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Heart N Soul X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nile Sunstone) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in one ring. (No photos yet available).
In Adelaide:-
At the Rex & Burmese Fanciers' show on 27 September, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina) continued his (2-year-long, I think) stellar run. He was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 15) in both rings is shown below with judge Lesley Morgan.
In Adelaide:-
At the Festival City CC Spring fling, two Abys who have been doing well for at least three years did well again. The first is Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny male, CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), who was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 21) in two rings, and R/U in the remaining rings. He is shown below with judge Michele Ristuccia. His son, Evelyn & Rita's' Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 16 in one ring, and R/U in another ring He is shown in the item immediately above.
In Wollongong, NSW:-
At the Illawarra Cat Club's Golden Anniversary Show on 13 September Michelle Lorenzi's Tawny female, Amahle Secret Affair (Osiris(V) Angel Dust X Johari Rhythm N Blues) was Best Gr 3 Kitten in one of the three rings (out of 24). She is shown below left with judge Maureen Norberry. Betty Mitchell's Tawny Spary CCCA Dbl Gr Ch & Dia Dbl Gr Ch Tijah Miss Dior (US) Ch Unkamen Territory (Imp USA) X Tijah Sweet Perfection was Best Gr 3 Spay Cat (out of 6) in one ring, and R/U in the other two rings. She appears below right, with visiting US judge Darrell Newkirk (Both photos by Wendy Newton)
In Adelaide:-
At the single-ring RAHS Show Adelaide (I think it used to be the Adelaide on 13 September, only one Aby/Somali did well, but he did extremely well! It was Dale Plummer's Tawny Somali male, Brz Gr Ch & (US) Gr Ch Gunsmoke's Woodford Reserve (Imp USA) (Gunsmoke's Booker Noe X Arbora's Prairie Violet of Gunsmoke), who was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 73) and SUPREME EXHIBIT IN SHOW (out of 273). He is shown below with his winnings
In Melbourne:-
At the CVI show on 13 September, Desexed Abys outperformed the entires. Kaylie Goodrick's Tawny Neuter, Narleekatz Bazinga (Johari Zambezi X Osiris(V) Sweet Influence), was Best Desexed Cat (out of 7) in one ring and R/U in the other. He is shown below with judge Alan Raymond.
In Melbourne:-
At the FCCFV Fun Show (which I am told it wasn't) on 23 August, one Aby performed well. That was Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee R We There Yet (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Ace Of Diamonds), who was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 13). She appears below with Eileen and judge Cheryle U'Ren.
In Melbourne:-
At the Australian Cat Club 's show on 6 September, Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee Chanel No Five (Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Magic Miss), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 1). She appears below with Eileen.
In Sydney:-
The NSW CFA Fundraiser Show was held on 29 August. Michelle Lorenzi's Tawny female, Amahle Secret Affair (Osiris(V) Angel Dust X Johari Rhythm N Blues) was Best Gr 3 Female kitten in one of the three rings (out of 9). She was also R/U in another ring and is shown below left. Ben White & Wendy Newton's Tawny female, Swift Savannah (Johari Zambezi X Swift Shine Bright) was Best Gr 3 Female Cat (out of 14) in one ring, and appears below right, with newly graduated judge Sophia Cordell-Fuda. (Both photos by Wendy Newton)
In Adelaide:-
At the 3-ring FASA Winter on 23 August, just one Aby won a ring, and it was inevitably Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina). He was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 22) in one ring, and R/U in other ring. He is shown below with judge Lesley Morgan.
In Brisbane:-
The 3-ring Cats Queensland show was held on 23 August.
Among the kittens, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female,
Osiris(V) Coco Mademoiselle (Highgaitpaws American Edition X ACFA AoE &
Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Elizabeth Arden), was Best SH Kitten (out of 25) and
Best All-breed Kitten (out of 45) in one ring. She is shown below left.
The Shawns' Tawny male, Osiris(V) Live & Let Live (Kemenkat Murphy's
Law (Imp NZ) X Ch Osiris(V)
Special Witness) was also Best SH Kitten and Best All-breed in one ring. He
appears below left of centre.
Cats were dominated by Michel & Sue's
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), who was Best SH Cat (out of 17) in all three rings, Best
All-breed Cat (out of 26) in one ring and R/U All-breed Cat in the remaining two
rings. Among the desexed, cats, the Shawns' Osiris(V) Just A Dash
(Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Osiris(V) Marlene Dietrich), was Best Desexed
SH Cat (out of 8) in one ring.
In Melbourne:-
At the FCCFV Fun Show (which I am told it wasn't) on 23 August, one Aby performed well. That was Eileen & Karel Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee R We There Yet (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Ace Of Diamonds), who was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 13). She appears below with Eileen and judge Cheryle U'Ren.
In Brisbane:-
The inaugural EKKA Kitten show was held on 16 August and attended by 8 Abys. One of them, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male, Osiris(V) Live & Let Live (Kemenkat Murphy's Law (Imp NZ) X Ch Osiris(V) Special Witness) was Best SH Kitten in one the two rings (out of 37), and Supreme All-breed kitten (out of 52) in that ring. He appears below with Sue.
In Brisbane:-
The Royal Queensland show, (aka EKKA),was held during 9-11 August Michael & Sue's Tawny Neuter, ACF Dia AoE, CCCA Sapph Tpl Gr Ch, Tpl Dia Dbl Gr Ch & Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Fast Talker (Dbl Gr Ch Highgaitpaws Have A Chat (Imp USA) X CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Running Bear) was Best SH Desexed Cat in one ring (out of 13), and R/U in another ring; he appears below.
In Adelaide:-
At the (GCSA) 3-ring Foreign Shorthair Show on 9 August, two Abys who have been doing well for at least three years did well again. The first is Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny male, CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), who was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 30) in two rings, and is shown below left. Evelyn & Rita's' Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 22) in one ring, and R/U in the other two rings. Heis shown below right.
In Melbourne:-
At the GCCFV Winter Show on 2 August, several Abys got Best Gr 3 awards, but out of small fields. However, two went higher; Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny female, Merindalee To Be Sure, (Zahari Ben Nevis X Merindalee Emile Bronte), who was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 8) in two rings and Best Gr 3 Exh (out of 21) in one of them. She is shown below left. The Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee R We There Yet (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Ace Of Diamonds), at her first adult show, was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 8) in all three rings, and Best Gr 3 Exh and Best S/H Exh (out of 31) in one of them She is shown below right with judge Nick Tricarico.
In Melbourne:-
At the Feline Health Research Show on 26 July, Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny female, Merindalee Chanel No Five (Gr Ch Merindalee Dumbledore X Cenglow Magi Miss), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 13) in one ring and Best Gr 3 Exh (out of 37) in that ring. She is shown below with judge Michele Ristuccia.
In Brisbane:-
The QFA Abyssinian and Somali show, held on 26 July, had three all-breed rings and one specialist Aby Somali ring. Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male, Ch Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 30) in one ring. He is shown below left. Among the desexed cats, Michael & Sue's Tawny Neuter, ACF Dia AoE, CCCA Sapph Tpl Gr Ch, Tpl Dia Dbl Gr Ch & Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Fast Talker (Dbl Gr Ch Highgaitpaws Have A Chat (Imp USA) X CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Running Bear) was Best SH Desexed Cat in one ring (out of 12), and R/U in another ring; he appears below left.
In Adelaide:-
FASA extended its Annual Show to two days and six rings, as practice for the 2016 CCCA National. The show was held on18-19 July, and only one Aby did very well. That was Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 21) in two rings and R/U in another ring. He is shown below, doing his best to hide Evelyn.
In Sydney:-
At the St George 3-ring show on 19 July, George & Julie Kennedy's Tawny male kitten, Nile Gilgamesh (Highgaitpaws American Edition (Imp USA) X Abytawe Shirley Bassey) was Best Gr 3 Male Kitten (out of 5) in all three rings. He is shown below left. Michelle Lorenzi's Tawny female bred by Tracey Jack, Amahle Secret Affair (Osiris(V) Angel Dust X Johari Rhythm N Blues) was Best Gr 3 Female Kitten (out of 17) in one ring, and appears below left of centre. It is interesting to note that both kittens are under 12 weeks old. Ben White and Wendy Newton's Blue female kitten, Swift Aztec Rose (Johari Zambezi X Swift Tui) was also Best Gr 3 Female kitten in one ring, and went on to be R/U to Best Overall Kitten (out of 57. She is shown below right of centrre with French judge Louis Coste. Kaylie Goodrick's Cinnamon Spay, CCCA Ch, Gold Ch & DGPN Narleekatz Roxy (Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Heart N Soul X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nile Sunstone). (All photos by Wendy Newton)
In Sydney:-
The CCCA National caravan came to Sydney this year, and the 6-ring show was held during July 11-12. It featured excellent Aby performances, beginning with Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male, Osiris(V) Golden Wings (Osiris(V) Crazy Love X Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink), who was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 66) in one ring. He is shown at 1 below.
Among the cats, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male,
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 69) in two rings. He
appears at 2.
Among the desexed cats, Lee Clark's Tawny
neuter, Ch Cenglow The Real Deal (Gr Ch Merindalee
Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 31 in 3
rings and R/U in another ring. He will soon appear at 3. Michael & Sue
Shawn's Tawny Neuter, ACF Dia AoE, CCCA Sapph Tpl Gr Ch,
Tpl Dia Dbl Gr Ch & Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Fast Talker Dbl (Gr Ch
Highgaitpaws Have A Chat (Imp USA) X CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V)
Running Bear) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in two rings, and Best All-breed Desex
Cat in Show (out of 66). See him at 4.
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1 photo C. Mangin |
2 photo M. Shawn |
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4 photo W. Newton |
In Adelaide:-
At the GCSA Golden Awards show on 5 Jun, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), did very well indeed . He was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 9) in one the two rings, and went on to be Best Judges' Exhibit (out of 59). He is shown below left, Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 19) in one ring, and is shown below right. Lori Fergusson's Tawny Somali neuter, CCCA Dbl Gr Ch, ACF AoE, Supr DGPR & Jade Dbl Gr Ch Vivace El Tigre De Oro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Vivace Virtuoso X Ikati Big Spender) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in the other ring, shown below left.
In Melbourne:-
At the FCC Winter Show on 28 June Eileen & Karel Pittaway's female, Merindalee R We There Yet (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Ace Of Diamonds), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 18) in one of the two rings. She is shown below with Eileen.
In Adelaide:-
Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), did well at the Festival City show on 28 Jun. He was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 27) in one two of the three rings, and is shown below
In Melbourne:-
At the 3-ring GCA Birman and Ragdoll show on 21 July, Kaylie Goodrick's Tawny male, Narleekatz Bazinga (Johari Zambezi X Osiris(V) Sweet Influence), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 11) in two rings; he is shown below left. Kaylie's Cinnamon spay, CCCA Ch, Gold Ch & GPN Narleekatz Roxy (Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Heart N Soul X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nile Sunstone) was also Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 9) in two rings, and is shown below right with US judge Mary Lou Anderson. A tawny neuter owned by a non-subscriber, Cenglow Oliver, Was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in the remaining ring.
In Adelaide:-
At the (GCSA) 2-ring Tandanya Winter Show on 21 June, Abys and Somalis won nearly everything. Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 8) in one ring, and is shown below left. Evelyn & Rita's Tawny male, CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 11) in both rings, and is shown below centre. The Bruches' Tawny neuter, CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Supr Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 16) in both rings, and is shown below right.
In Sydney:-
At the Federal Cat Club's 3-ring show on 13 June, George & Julie Kennedy's Tawny male kitten, Nile Gilgamesh (Highgaitpaws American Edition (Imp USA) X Abytawe Shirley Bassey) was Best Gr 3 Male Kitten (out of 10) in one ring, and R/U in the other two rings. He is shown below left. Michelle Lorenzi Tawny female bred by Tracey Jack, Amahle Secret Affair (Osiris(V) Angel Dust X Johari Rhythm N Blues) was Best Gr 3 Female Kitten (out of 18) in one ring, and appears below centre. It is interesting to note that both kittens are under 12 weeks old. Among the cats, Osiris(V) Angel Dust (ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Judge Judy), being shown by George Kennedy on behalf of Tracey Jack while she is overseas, was Best Gr 3 Male Cat (out of 13) in one ring. He is shown below right. (All photos by Wendy Newton)
In Perth:-
Perth played host to this year's ACF 8-ring National show on June 6-7. While there were a good number of Abys and Somalis there, only Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, Sil Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), came top of his group. Shown below, "Fonzie" was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 26) in one ring and R/U in another, and went of to be Best Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 149) in the ring where he won.
In Brisbane:-
At the 4-ring Cats Queensland show on 31 May,
Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female,
Osiris(V) Coco Mademoiselle (Ch Highgaitpaws American Edition X CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Dbl Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Elizabeth
Arden) was Best SH Kitten (out of 36) in one ring; she appears below left
The Shawns' Tawny female, Osiris(V)
Maid In Australia (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X
Osiris(V) Last Hurrah) was Best SH Cat (out of 22) in two rings, R/U in
another ring. She went on to be Best Overall SH Exhibit (out of 67), and is
shown below right. Christine Mangin's Tawny neuter,
Abysrok The Lion King (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Abysrok Amore Mia
Bambina) was best SH Desexed Cat (out of 9) in one ring.
In Adelaide:-
At the (FASA) Persian Breeders Show, a Somali kitten and an Ay cat did well. the kitten was Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), who was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 28) in one of the two rings, and is shown below left with judge Barbara Martland. Evelyn & Rita's Tawny male, CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 18) in both rings, and is shown below right with judge Janice Christison.
On the NSW Central Coast:-
At the Central Coast Cat Club Show on 24 May, George & Julie Kennedy's Cinnamon female, Gr Ch Nile Sangria, was Best Gr 3 Female Cat in one ring (out of 15). She is show below.
In Canberra:-
There were some superlative performances at the well-attended 31st Abyssinian Breeder show in Canberra on 17 May. Starting with kittens, Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Ch Merindalee Whatacracker), was Best Kitten (out of 23) in two rings, and went on to be Supreme Kitten. He is shown below at 1 with Karel. Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female, Osiris(V) Miss Dior (Osiris(V) Crazy Love X CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Dbl Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Elizabeth Arden), was Best Kitten In the remaining ring, in which she went on to be Best Exhibit (out of 49). She was the R/U to Supreme Exhibit, and is shown below at 2 with Sue.
Among the cats, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male,
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 17) in two rings, Best Exhibit
in the same two rings and Supreme Exhibit (out
of 49). he appears below at 3. Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male,
CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford (CCCA Ch & Sapph Gr Ch
Merindalee Fortune Teller X Ch Merindalee Demi Moore), was Best Cat in the
remaining ring and R/U to supreme cat. He is below at 4.
Among the desexed cats, Lee Clark's Tawny
neuter, Ch Cenglow The Real Deal (Gr Ch Merindalee
Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube) was Best SH Desexed Cat (out of 9) in one ring,
R/U in a second ring, and went on to be Supreme Desexed Cat. He appears
below at 5. Kaylie Goodrick's Cinnamon Spay, CCCA Ch,
Gold Ch & DGPN Narleekatz Roxy was R/U to Supreme Desexed Cat.
Other winners included Supreme Somali, won by Dale Plummer's Brz Gr Ch Gunsmoke's Woodford Reserve (Imp USA), Supreme Cinnamon Exhibit, won by Kaylie Goodrick's CCCA Ch, Gold Ch & DGPN Narleekatz Roxy, and Most Successful Exhibitor in Show, won by Michael & Sue Shawn.
For exhibits mentioned in this report without photos, go to Show Photos where there are plenty. The photos in this report were taken by Wendy Newton, except for No. 2 (GK)
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In Adelaide:-
SACBA (GCSA) held its 3-ring show on 17 May, and Lori Fergusson's Tawny Somali neuter CCCA Dbl Gr Ch & Supreme DGPR Vivace El Tigre De Oro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Vivace Virtuoso X Ikati Big Spender); he was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 15) in one ring. "Salvador" appears with Lori in a photo 3 shows down.
In Canberra:-
At the Canberra Birman All-Breeds 3-ring show on 16 May, all major Shorthair classes were won by Abys. Admittedly they were in the majority, but winning everything like that is certainly something I have never encountered before.
KITTENS: Osiris(V) Golden Wings (Osiris(V) Crazy Love X Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink), Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male, was Best SH Kitten (out of 20) in one ring. He appears below at 1 with Sue (photo Wendy Newton). Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Merindalee Whatacracker), was Best SH Kitten in the remaining two rings, and appears below at 2 with Eileen (photo Wendy Newton).
CATS: Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female,
CCCA Ch, ACF AoE & Dbl Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Elizabeth
Arden (Gr Ch Osiris(V) Baron Von Richthofen X CCCA Ch, Gold Dbl Gr Ch &
Sil Ch Osiris(V) Prada) was Best SH Cat (out of 22) in one ring. She appears
below at 3 (photo GK). The Shawns' Tawny female, Osiris(V)
Maid In Australia (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X
Osiris(V) Last Hurrah) was Best SH Cat in another ring, and went on to be R/U to
Best Overall SH Exhibit (out of 52). She is below at 4 (photo GK). The Shawns'
Tawny male,
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat in the remaining ring and appears below
at 5 with Sue (photo Wendy Newton).
DESEXED CATS: Lee Clark's Tawny
neuter, Ch Cenglow The Real Deal (Gr Ch Merindalee
Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube) was Best SH Desexed Cat (out of 10) in all
three rings, and went on to be Best Overall SH Exhibit in Show. He appears
below at 6 with Lee (photo GK)
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In Brisbane:-
At the Birman Cat Fanciers' show on 9 May, Abyssinian cats - both entire and
desexed - did well.
Michael & Sue's Tawny female,
Osiris(V) Touch Of Love (Osiris(V) Fast Talker Too X Osiris(V) Claudia
Schiffer) was Best SH Cat (out of 7) in one ring; she appears below left
Their Tawny male,
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat in one ring and R/U in another one ring,
He is shown below .
Christine Mangin's Tawny neuter, Abysrok The Lion King (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Abysrok Amore Mia Bambina) was best SH Desexed Cat (out of 9) in one ring, and went on to be Best Overall SH Exhibit (out of 60); see him below centre. Finally, a Tawny neuter owned by a non-subscriber, ACF AoE & Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Bear's Jive Talker, was also Best SH Desexed Cat in one ring.
In Adelaide:-
At the 2-ring (GCSA) Cat Fanciers Show on 3 May, two Somalis did well. The first was a youngster, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), who was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 18) in one ring, and is shown below left . The other was "an oldie but a goodie", Lori Fergusson's Tawny Somali neuter CCCA Dbl Gr Ch & Supreme DGPR Vivace El Tigre De Oro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Vivace Virtuoso X Ikati Big Spender); he was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 21) in one ring and R/U in the other, and is shown below right with Lori.
In Melbourne:-
The FCCV Open Show took place on 3 May, and featured a number of good Aby and Somali performances. Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny female, Merindalee Chanel No Five (Gr Ch Merindalee Dumbledore X Cenglow Magic Miss) was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 32) in one of the three rings. She is shown below left with Eileen. Dale Plummer's Tawny Somali male, Brz Gr Ch Gunsmoke's Woodford Reserve (Imp USA) (Gr Ch Gunsmoke's Booker Noe X Arbora's Prairie Violet of Gunsmoke) was Best Gr Ch Cat in one ring (ouut of 18), and is shown below right. Among the desexed cats, Cenglow Oliver, Tawny neuter bred by Sandra Doyle and owned by a non-subscriber, was best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 12) in two rings..
In Adelaide:-
At the (GCSA) Adelaide Show, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 20), and is shown below left with judge Cheryl Pollock. Evelyn & Rita's Tawny male, CCCA Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 19) in both rings, and is shown below right. Vivace The Boy From Oz, owned by a non-subscriber, was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 18) in one ring, and Best Overall Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 57).
In Bathurst, NSW:-
At the Bathurst Royal Show on 19 April, Michelle Lorenzi's Tawny female, Wyangan Amazen Grace (Gr Ch Wyangan Phantom Chances X Brz Dbl Gr Ch Cairocats Zorah), was Best Gr 3 Female Kitten (out of 9) in two rings and RU in the remaining rings. She is show below, with Michelle
In Brisbane:-
At the 4-ring Burmese Cat Club show on 19
April, Michael &
Sue Shawn's Tawny female, Osiris(V) Maid In Australia,
(ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Last Hurrah),
was Best SH Kitten (out of 56) in one
ring and R/U in two others; she appears below left.
Michael & Sue's Tawny male,
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 38) in one ring,
and is shown below right, with Sue and judge Kerrith Wilkinson..
In Adelaide:-
Evelyn & Rita Bruche's exhibits did well at the 2-ring SDCC Easter Show on 5 April. Their Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), was once again Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 19) in one ring and R/U in the other ring. He is shown below left. Their Tawny male, Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 15) in one ring and R/U in the other ring. He is shown below centre with judge Fiona Mangan Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, Sil Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 16) in only one ring, but to make up for it, he was also Supreme Exhibit (out of 73) in that ring, and is shown below right.
In Melbourne:-
At the GCA Feline Health Research show also on 29 March, Kaylie Goodrick's Cinnamon spay, CCCA Ch, Gold Ch & GPN Narleekatz Roxy (Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Heart N Soul X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nile Sunstone) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 6) in both rings, and Best SH Exhibit (out of 27) in one of them. She is shown below.
In Melbourne:-
At the GCCFV Australian Cat Club 3-ring show on 29 March, Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Merindalee Whatacracker) was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 22) in one ring. He is shown below left with Eileen. Among the desexed cats, a recently arrived Banana Bender did very well. It was Lee Clark's Tawny neuter, Ch Cenglow The Real Deal (Gr Ch Merindalee Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube) who was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 9) in two rings and RU in the third rings. He appears below right with Lee.
In Sydney:-
At the Royal Easter Cat and Kitten Carnival on 28-29 March, Sue Hatcher's Tawny male, Tijah Monkey N Around ( (US) Gr Ch Purssynian Speedball Tucker (Imp USA) X Tijah Kindred Spirits), did very well indeed. He was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 37) in one of the three rings and RU in another ring. Where he won he was also Supreme Exhibit (out of 122). He is show below left with Sue. Tracey Jack's Tawny neuter, Johari Shaka Zulu (Tijah Rush In Blue X Johari Jubilee) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in one ring (out of 8) and RU in a second ring. He is show below right. with Bradley Jack and steward Helena Sugar.
In Brisbane:-
The 6-ring QFA two-day show had a high attendance of Abys and exhibits in general, on 21-22 March. In tough competition, Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Merindalee Whatacracker) was Best SH Kitten (out of 65) in one ring and R/U in a second ring. His photo appears three items down. Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny male, Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 34) in two rings, Best SH Exhibit (out of 114) in one of those rings, and Supreme Exhibit (out of 188) in the other ring; he is shown two items down.
In Goulburn, NSW:-
There were quite a few Abys and Somalis at the 3-ring Goulburn Royal on 21 March. Sue Hatcher's Tawny male, Tijah Monkey N Around ( (US) Gr Ch Purssynian Speedball Tucker (Imp USA) X Tijah Kindred Spirits), did well again and was best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 18). He is show below left with Sue. Michelle Lorenzi's Tawny female, CCCA Gr Ch & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Bees Knees Chances (Dbl Gr Ch Highgaitpaws Have A Chat X Osiris(V) Chances Are) was Best Gr 3 Female Cat (out of 8); she is shown below centre. George & Julie Kennedy's Cinnamon female, Nile Sangria, was Best Gr 3 Female Cat in the other two rings, and Best Gr 3 Cat in one of them (out of 13). She is show below right.
In Perth:-
One Aby did very well at WA's first show of the year, the Burmese & Other Breeds show on 15 March. This was Carole Carroll's Tawny Male, Joylincar Brilliant Disguise (Gr Ch Joylincar Heart Of Dreams X Osiris(V) Baby Loves Talking). He was Best SH Kit (out of 35), RU in the other two rings, and Best SH Exhibit in Show (out of 54). He is shown below, and note that while I call him an Aby (NSW practice) in some other states he would be called a Somali variant.
In Brisbane:-
The "Cat show capital
of Australia" hosted the 3-ring Exotic Cat Club show on 15 March and, needless
to say, Abys did very well. Michael &
Sue Shawn's Tawny female, Osiris(V) Maid In Australia,
(ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Last Hurrah),
was Best SH Kitten (out of 39) in one
ring and R/U in another; see her below left, with Sue.
Their Osiris(V) King Of Thorns, Tawny male from
Osiris(V) Crazy Love and Osiris(V) Roses Are Pink, was also Best SH Kitten in
one ring; he is shown in the centre of the centre photo, with Michael.
Michael & Sue's Tawny male,
ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Jr (Ch Osiris(V) Baron
Von Richthofen X Osiris(V) Ballroom Dancer), was Best SH Cat (out of 19) and
Best SH Exhibit (out of 67) in one
ring. He appears on the right of the centre photo, with judge Nick
Tricarico. The Shawns' other Tawny
Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern
Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat and Exhibit in the other two rings,
and is shown below right, with Sue and judge Kerrith Wilkinson.
Finally, in an all-Osiris affair, Amanda Ashby's Tawny neuter,
ACF AoE & Plat Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Bear's Jive Talker
(Dbl Gr Ch Highgaitpaws Have A Chat (Imp USA) X CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Gr Ch
Osiris(V) Running Bear), was Best SH Desexed Cat (out of 9) in two rings, and
went on to be Best Overall SH Exhibit.
In Melbourne:-
The action continued in Melbourne at the 3-ring St Patrick's show on 15 March. Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Merindalee Whatacracker) was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 22) in one ring and went on to be Best SH Exhibit (out of 59). He is shown below left with judge Michele Ristuccia. Kaylie Goodrick's Cinnamon spay, CCCA Ch, Gold Ch & GPN Narleekatz Roxy (Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Heart N Soul X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nile Sunstone) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 12) in one ring, and is shown below right with Kaylie.
In Melbourne:-
Victoria joined the action with the 5-ring Pet & Animal Expo during 28 February - 1 March, with excellent kitten results. Eileen & Karel Pittaway's Tawny male, Merindalee Dustin Hoffman (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Merindalee Whatacracker) was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 9) in one ring and R/U in three other rings. He is shown below left with judge Lesley Freemann. The Pittaways' Tawny female, Merindalee R We There Yet (CCCA Gr Ch & Dia Gr Ch Merindalee Harrison Ford X Cenglow Ace Of Diamonds), was Best Gr 3 Kitten in three rings. In one of these rings she was Best Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 20), and in another ring she was Supreme Exhibit (out of 82). She is shown below right with Eileen and Karel.
In Adelaide:-
At the 3-ring Kitten & Neuter show on 1 March, Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny Somali male, Vivace One Vision (Ch Dushara Frank My Way (Imp DNK) X Vivace Fire And Brimstone), was Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 17) in one ring and R/U in the other ring. She is shown below left. Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, Sil Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 21) in two rings and Best Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 38) in one of them; he appears below right with judge Deb Armishaw.
In Sydney:-
We had our first Championship show of the year, the Freshman Feline Fiesta on 1 March. It was put on by NSW CFA to replace the Siamese & SH show, because that club has fallen by the wayside. Sue Hatcher's Tawny male, Tijah Monkey N Around ( (US) Gr Ch Purssynian Speedball Tucker (Imp USA) X Tijah Kindred Spirits) was best Gr 3 Male Kitten (out of 5) and R/U in another ring. He is show below left, with Sue. Tracey Jack's Tawny male kitten, Osiris(V) Angel Dust (ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Judge Judy) was Best Gr 3 Male Kitten in the other two rings. In one of them, he was also Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 22), and went on to be 3rd Exhibit (out of 73); he is shown below centre with Tracey and a rogue magic wand. Finally, Tracey's Tawny neuter, Johari Shaka Zulu (Tijah Rush In Blue X Johari Jubilee) was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat in one ring (out of 14) and went on to be Supreme Exhibit. He is shown below right with Bradley Jack.
In Toowoomba, QLD:-
At the Lockyer Valley Show on 22 February, Michael & Sue Shawn's Tawny female, Osiris(V) Maid In Australia, (ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Last Hurrah), was Best SH Kitten (out of 42) in one ring and R/U in another; see her below left. Michael & Sue's Tawny male, Osiris(V) Hearts Perfection (Kemenkat Murphys Law (Imp NZ) X Riverfern Zeta Leporis (Imp UK)), was Best SH Cat (out of 21) in two of the three rings, and is shown below right.
In Adelaide:-
Aby started very well at the first show of the year in Adelaide, the FSA Summer Show on 22 February. Evelyn & Rita Bruche's Tawny male, Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day (CCCA Gr Ch & Sapph Ch Merindalee Fortune Teller X Cenglow Elle Macpherson), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 21) in one ring and R/U in the other ring. He is shown below left. Evelyn & Rita's Tawny neuter, Brz Dbl Gr Ch Vivace King Amonasro (Gold Dbl Gr Ch Merindalee King For A Day X Vivace La Divina), did a little better than his dad and was Best Gr 3 Desexed Cat (out of 24) in both rings; he appears below right.
On the Gold Coast:-
Just one Aby did well - but she did very well - at the Gold Coast Cat Club's show on 7 February. Sandra Doyle's Cenglow Streisand, (from a repetition of the mating that produced Cenglow The Real Deal last year (Gr Ch Merindalee Patrick Swayze X Cenglow Danube), was Best SH Kitten (out of 38) in one of the three rings and went on to be Best Overall Shorthair Exhibit (out of 63). No photo is available.
In Sydney:-
Aby and Somalis did well at the first show of the year in Sydney, The Federal Cat Club's Kitten Show on 15 February. Debbie Thomas's Nareira Khal Drogo (Tilsim dan Steve McGarrett (Imp GER) X Gold Dbl Gr Ch Nareira Stardust Express), was Best Gr 3 Male Kitten (out of 6) in one ring. Tracey Jack's Tawny male kitten, Osiris(V) Angel Dust (ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Junior X Osiris(V) Judge Judy) was Best Gr 3 Male Kitten in the other two rings. In one of them, he was also Best Gr 3 Kitten (out of 33), and went on to be Supreme Exhibit (out of 83); he is shown below left. Finally, Tracey's Tawny female, Amahle Margot Fonteyn - from Tracey's very first litter- was Best Gr 3 Female Kitten (out of 20). She comes from a mating of Tijah News Break and Johari Rhythm N Blues, and is show below right with judge Michele Ristuccia. [photos below by Wendy Newton]
In Brisbane:-
At the first 2015 show in Australia, the QFA Council Show on 17 January, several Abys did well and two did particularly well. Jeanette Cook's Cinnamon male, Cairocats Simply Red (Nile Asterix The Gaul X Cairocats Zene), was Best Gr 3 Cat (out of 36) in one of the three rings. He is shown below left. Michael & Sue's Tawny male, ACF AoE & Gold Dbl Gr Ch Osiris(V) Sammy Davis Jr (Ch Osiris(V) Baron Von Richthofen X Osiris(V) Ballroom Dancer), started 2015 rather like he finished 2014 – he was Best Gr 3 Cat in one ring, and went on to be Best Overall Gr 3 Exhibit (out of 107); he is shown below right with Michael.
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